Saturday, November 19, 2011

Doctor oh Doctor

When the virus gets means it really GETS you. Do you get what i mean well..of course you do!  I was playing orchestra all the way for the past 2 weeks! And my whole family has turn into choir singer as well..

Day 1 (tuesday)
Me: Dari malam tadi i demam, morning ni demam lagi doc dah makan ubat. Air asam jawa pun dah minum sejug. Sakit tekak and coughing dah kurang but i don't feel good sakit semua badan. Nose blocked sebelah.Temp around 38.5C
Doc: (checking my temp), tak demam.
Me: (lerr dah cakap makan ubat tadi). 
Doc: (check dada), ok saya bagi awak ubat batuk and selsema, mengantuk punya takpe?
Me: Boleh
Doc: Esok u makan sekali je since u keja
Me: Ok, so today saya nak mintak MC
Doc: Tak pergi keja today?
Me: (Doc, ko tengok laa time dah 11am, bagi pun ubat sleepy nak keja mende)
Me: Tak kot doc, nak makan ubat and tidor
Doc: Ok

Day3 (thursday)
Coughing non stop...blocked nose, sakit tekak semua ada
Me: Doc, batuk makin teruk, bila petang ke malam je demam
Doc: Yes, i bagi ubat batuk tu to let our semua yang ada kat dalam
Me: Tapi tak tahan, kat office lagi teruk
Doc: Yes of course sebab aircond.  U makan sekali je kan ubat?
Me: (Eh doc ni, nama pun bagi ubat yang sleepy, suruh  akan makan sekali kalau time keja, apesal yang tak kasi aku 2 days MC)
Me: Saya dah tak tahan, saya makan juga 2 kali tapi still teruk
Doc: I bagi antibiotic
Me: Nak MC today
Doc: (muka tak puas hati sambil senyum sumbing) Ok

My Friend (Another Doc)
My friend: I feel weak and this morning i have fever, i've taken some paracetamol
Doc: Oh..(checking the temperature)..emm.. oh only 36.8C
My friend: Can i get an MC for today
Doc: Oh no no, you can still work..only around 6pm, you will start your fever again.  Whole night you will have fever.  So tomorrow you come here, i'll give you MC
My friend: (my god! Bagi je laa today, esok i can work if i rest today)

Moral of the story: Nak jumpa doctor, kalau dah demam jangan makan ubat pergi time masa heat betul2,...baru laa they have some senses to rasa belas kasihan nak bagi kita rest at home. If not, they want you to keep coming. Mentang2 laa only they can produce MC. Hey, the bills aint cheap these days..Harapnya ada laa anak aku yang jadi doctor..emm..tapi time tu its too late for me to ask for MC dah huhuhu

dr google

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