Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I Hate Cooking

In reality i hate cooking. Tak kisah whatever food. Kalau masakan melayu lagi laaaaaaaaaaa
rasa sungguh leceh dan remeh..Preparation 1-2jam, makan 10 minutes dah lega dalam perut. I feel time wasted only that i love home cooking. Rendang, lontong, laksa yum yum..Untung sebab my mom stayed with me so i got to enjoy her cooking everyday..jangan jeles ye

Ni semua ada kena mengena dengan satu senario masa kat kampung about 26 years ago..approx masa i 10-12years la.
Talking: Kedah dialect
Scene: 3-4men came to my grandma's house for tea with my uncle.
I was sitting at the stairs. After 20mins...begins
My uncle@Pak Besaq: Ni takdak ke ayaq untuk tetamu kita
My aunty: Ada, baru nak bawak mai. Serving them tea (went off to watch tv afterwards)

Pakcik@tetamu1 my uncle: Kopi takdak ka, ha tu anak dara (pointing at me), pi buat sat

Me: (memang jenis tak suka orang suruh) Sorry, taktau buat kopi

Pakcik@tetamu1 my uncle: Ha? Apa ni anak dara taktau buat kopi

Me: (yang suka menjawab, quite rude bila ingat balik) Awat?

Pakcik@tetamu1 my uncle: Tak boleh buat menantu laa macam ni

Me: (dalam hati...tolong laaaa anak dia dah laa gemuk, hitam, hodoh..sapa nak? mulut aku dasyat zaman2 muda)

Me: Takpa nasha cari orang yang tak suka minum kopi, dia minum milo je

Pakcik@tetamu1 my uncle: (kerek tak nak mengalah) Orang pompuan kalau taktau buat minum makan, tak payah kawin la (sarcastically)

Me: about to answer when Tok cut it short..."nah nah ayaq kopi, dia budak lagi taktau buat kopi"

Deep down in my heart..
Jauh disudut bukan ke deep down my liver?hehehe...
I was thinking ..(sekolah rendah ni)..isteri ni good for masak je ke?
I felt geram, annoyed, repelled..macam2 laa..wuyooo masa ni dah ada ciri2 activist wanita aku rupanya!
well from that moment onwards i vowed not to COOK for men! Mampus (pardon me) laa aku nak cari laki yang makan luar yang take me for who i am ..if i tak cook pun takpe, i want a man yang can please must be a highway road for me bukan jalan sehala.

Jeng Jeng..rupanya allah makbulkan doa. I got a hubby yang tak kisah whether i cook or not.
Lucky him, my mom cooks!
Tapi these days my ego starts to fade just because of one handsome prince..siapa lagi kalau bukan anak bujang trang tang tang i...just because he's a picky eater.. i tried to cook I buatkan cookies for him and from there i kept on browsing blogs cari recipe..alih2 i terjumpa banyak blog yang murah hati mensharekan recipe diaorg..siap dengan gambar which makes me terliur. From these bloggers, i was ginger up!

I dah start baking..insyallah if god permits i want to start cooking...I get tickled pink seeing my kids eat up my cakes, cookies!

And since i BARELY COOK, whenever i cook walaupun just for breakfast such as sausage, scambled egg, baked beans, wedges which all those comes from fridge yang mana i just toss it around pun makes my hubby appreciate! itu yang best tu. So my vivid memory of that pakcik will soon masuk longkang.

Ni some of the webs yang i selalu jengah cari recipe..
They always update their blog so senang taktau direct ask..

Kudos to these people who took extra effort to share the recipe, their honest comments and pictures.


ni i belum try any of the recipe, baru terjengah her blog. Hopefully will receive good feedback

1 comment:

  1. once you dah bergelumang dgn dapur especially baking, mesti you ketagih mcm I, heheheh


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