Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year Resolution

I wrote this 3 days before we celebrated 2011.   So i guess its still countable to be blogged about :-).  I got a long list to complete for 2011.  My friend said why do you need to wait for new year to head off things? True, I don’t need but it acts as a tracker.  Every year I will make a list and wrote it down in a proper diary.  By the end of the year when I need to make resolution for the next year, I just mark off whatever I have completed and those left unmarked will be brought to the new year. Its much easier as it clearly stated in a diary rather than roaming around in my tiny brain.  Of course those are just plain reasons to make me jumping up and about and taking it into action hehehe..

So 2011 resolution for
v      Wake up at 6.30AM everyday!
v      Go swimming 4 times a month!
v      Discard bad habit! Stop the running water when brushing teeth!
v      Pick up one new hobby, I was thinking either quiling or card making or pilates or yoga
v      Take vitamin every day!
v      Make a regular saving June onwards
v      Try and do sembahyang Dhuha once a month
v      Finished ganti puasa before next Ramadhan
v      Must complete 3 blogs per week
v      Do 10 sit ups everyday, trim your tummy girl!
v      Complete reading at least 2 books a month
v      Finish off what i eat, take lesser food
v      Invest in a new business
v      Invest in a new property
v      Cut down on my uncessary shopping list especially on Friday outing!
v      Don’t sms while drivingggggggggggg!!!
v      Bring the kids to park at least 4 times a month
v      Reading time with Nabila 10minutes every working day
v      Reading time with Iman 20minutes every working day
v      Be more patience with them, become a better mommy!!!
v      Listen more to them and draw pictures/telling stories instead of giving them instructions
v      Redo Iman and Nabila album book
v      Bring the kids to park at least 4 times a month
v      Bring mak for jogging every Sunday
v      Make 3 trips per year
v      Visit my grandma at least once a month
v      Reading time with Nabila 10minutes every working day
v      Reading time with Iman 20minutes every working day
v      Bring my parents for at least one vacation trip
v      Teach Iman, AlifBaTa
v      To complete 2 photobook
v      To edit and save all videos of 5 years in cds
v      Bring my parents for one shopping splurge
v      Start cooking every Saturday, at least a dish!
v      Do cookies every 2 months
v      Redo Imand and Nabila album book
v      To try a new recipe for desert @ cakes once a month
v      Go out before/at 7.15AM everyday!
v      Attend more training/seminars
v      Iron work attire every nite! Not in the morning
v      Go back sharp at 5.30 so that I have time with my kids, parents, do marketing for business and blogging hehehe anyway work will never complete, its on going
v      Get a proper cabinet shoe, the one which I have is nearly ‘patah kaki’
v      Get an airy compartment to store reusable clothes, telekung etc
v      Add few more wardrobe to store bedsheets, towels etc
v      Revamp upstairs hall
v      Revamp garden in porch and outside area
v      Do blog walking every 2 days!
v      Redo blog
v      Do online marketing
v      Do external marketing
v      Update account every week
v      Complete 2011 cash flows, expenditure, sales, deposits
v      Stop cursing people while driving
v      Be more courteous
v      Be more alert of my surrounding
v      Switch off lights when not in used
v      Reduce the use of paper
v      Reduce the garbage umphh..how do i start yea?? i'll think of something

Most importantly Enjoy every moment in life! Be more thankful for what i have in life.    Appreciate it!  Life is short, time is short. Enjoy every happening moment and preview it. Save all the memorabilia in this blog.

Dah macam checklist rather than resolution hehehe…dulu-dulu my resolution would be around 10.  Now its getting longer and longer.  Next year, I’ll pick back this long list and see what I have achieved!  You’ll be my withness this time.

"But resolutions, when they’re manageable and achievable and honest, can be excellent goals to guide the year. With tenacity and perseverance, resolutions can help us make real, lasting changes in our lives!"



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